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Welcome to the Lankershim Library!

Our Mission
SBCUSD Libraries are designed to teach students the lifetime skills needed to find and evaluate the material’s information. Thus, creating a learning foundation.
Our library offers a welcoming learning environment to promote literacy and inspire a love of reading. The library supports and enriches the curriculum to empower our students to build critical-thinking and researching skills.

Library Expectations:
● Be respectful of others while visiting the library and speak in a level one voice.
● Be responsible for our books and return them weekly during the scheduled class time.
● Be safe and be kind to each other and our books.
● Please eat and drink outside of the library.
● Follow all expectations that are posted in the library.

How can parents help?
● Encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes every day.
● Create a quiet space and make time at home for reading.
● Ask your child about the library books they choose.
● Remind your child to return all library books on time.

To look up books at your reading level or to determine the level of the books you already have, click this link:

Lankershim Library